
Flocking, Vehicle, Boids (after Reynolds) with a simple canvas rendering on top of a graphics engine (PIXI) to test its integration.
Simple 2D Parallax Engine
A parallax engine on top of PIXI. Parallax World is created from a JSON config file. Camera based rendering so you have a focal length, zoom, dolly zoom, a pivot and most important: stepless, z-based depth for any object.
WebGL + Light Shader
A handcrafted webgl renderer with a custom light shader and a simple camera. Based on the lessions from webglfundamentals.org and learningwebgl.com
PIXI 2D Camera System
A homegrown camera system based on 2d matrix transformations, so you can zoom & translate on a chosen world container. This world container is an extended pixi container so you can stack your menu or hud on top, outside of the camera transformation. As it's based on a matrix transformation you can easily determine screen and world positions and you could extend the whole system by rotation. A parallax behaviour is already possible. See for yourself in the example.
Friendly Birds - a not so angry birds clone
This was my journey into Angry Birds. Camera, Minimap, Physics, Slingshot, Particles/Fluid, Parallax. A lot of interesting stuff. I'm sorry, this code is quite old.